Friday, August 30, 2013


Spring 2013
Robert built me a raised garden box for my birthday.

We finally got around to planting on the 4th of July. By that time nurseries were practically giving away the leftover stock. One too many plants followed me home. I didn't expect any of them to survive transplantation during sweltering Kansas dog days. Fortunately the wet and mild season kept temperatures low. Unfortunately, now the cucumbers and squash have some sort of mildew powder and the tomatoes are yellow. 
The spurge never ceases to thrive.

Planted Spring 2012

Rabbits ate the shoots the first spring. It surprised us the next year by popping up through the snow. This summer some people mistook it for a tropical palm! (I was so proud!) Then, red-leaf disease struck. I'll need to burn it and never plant rhubarb in this vicinity again. I'll miss vanilla ice cream over a rhubarb and oatmeal-brown sugar crumble or fool this fall.

                                          In eulogy a song honoring my beloved rhubarb -